#Assign a single random integer between 3 and 10 n_dims
set.seed(Sys.time()) #Ensure different values for each run
n_dimes <_ sample (3:10, 1)
#Create a vector of consecutive integers from 1 to n_dims^2
vec <- 1:(n_dims^2)
#Randomly shuffle these values
shuffled_vec <- sample(vec)
#create a square matrix
matrix_obj <- matrix(shuffled_vec, nrow = n_dims, ncol = n_dims)
#Print the original matrix
print("Original Matrix:")
#Transpose the matrix using the t() function
transposed_matrix <- t(matrix_obj)
#Print the transposed matrix
print("Transposed Matrix:")
#Calculate sum and mean of the first and last rows
first_row_sum <- sum(matrix_obj[1, ])
first_row_mean <- mean(matrix_obj[1, ])
last_row_sum <- sum(matrix_obj[n_dims, ])
last_row_mean <- mean(matrix_obj[n_dims, ])
print(paste("First row sum:", first_row_sum))
print(paste("First row mean:", first_row_mean))
print(paste("Last row sum:", last_row_sum))
print(paste("Last row mean:", last_row_mean))
#Use the eigen() function on the matrix
eigen_result <- eigen(matrix_obj)
#Print eigen values and eigen vectors
#Check the type of eigen values and eigen vectors
print(paste("Type of eigenvalues:", typeof(eigen_result$values)))
print(paste("Type of eigenvectors:", typeof(eigen_result$vectors)))
#Create a 4x4 matrix filled with random uniform values
set.seed(123) #For reproducibility
my_matrix <- matrix(runig(16), nrow=4, ncol=4)
#Create a 100-element logival vector (TRUE/FALSE)
my_logical <- runif(100) > 0.5 #Generates TRUE if value >0.5 , FALSE otherwise
#Create a 26-element vector of lowercase letters in random order
my_letters <- sample(letters)
#Create a list with these named elements
my_list <- list(
my_matrix = my_matrix,
my_logical = my_logical,
my_letters = my_letters
#Create a new list with specific elements
new_list <- list (
matrix_element = my_list$my_matrix[2, 2], #element [2,2] from matrix
logical_element= my_list$my_logical[2], #second element of logical vector
letter_element = my_list$my_letters[2] #second element of letter vector
#Print the new list
print("New List:")
#Check data types using typeof()
print("Data types of new list components:")
print(typeof(new_list$matrix_element)) # type of matrix element
print(typeof(new_list$logical_element)) #type of logical element
print(typeof(new_list$letter_element)) #type of letter element
#Combine the elements into a single atomic vector
atomic_vector <- c(new_list$matrix_element, new_list$logical_element, new_list$letter_element)
#Print the atomic vector
print("Combined Atomic Vector:")
#Check data type of the combined atomic vector
print("Data type of combined atomic vector:")
#Set seed for reproducibility
#Create a data framw with two variables
my_data <-data.frame(
my_unis = runif(26, min = 0, max = 10), #26 random uniform values
my_letters = sample(LETTERS) #26 capital letters in random order
#Print the original data frame
print("Original Data Frame:")
#Replace 4 random numbers in 'my_unis' column with NA
my_data$my_unis[sample(1:26, 4)] <- NA
#Print the modified data frame
print("Data Frame with NA values:")
#Identify which rows have missing values in 'my_unis'
na_rows <- which(is.na(my_data$my_unis))
print("Rows with missing values:"
#Reorder the data frams by 'my_letters' in alphabetical order
my_data <- my_data[order(my_data$my_letters), ]
#Print the sorted data frame
print("Reordered Data Frame:")
#Calculate the mean of 'my_unis' column, ignoring NA values
column_mean <- mean(my_data$my_unis, na.rm = TRUE)
print(paste("Mean of my_unis (excluding NAs):", column_mean))